Wind farms are increasingly interested in participating in the secondary frequency control, especially in power systems where AGC is organized by regulation zones comprising generation units of different technologies. In order to estimate the wind farms behaviour and overall impact on automatic generation control (AGC), a reasonably simple wind farm model is needed. First-order and second-order linear models of wind farms are proposed in the literature in AGC-related studies. However, these simple models neglect key dynamic features for AGC integration of wind farms, such as artificial ramp limitations, dead bands, communication delays and start-up delays caused by turbine orientation. This paper presents a still simple wind farm model, however representing all relevant dynamics and availability constraints at power system control level. Applying an illustrative case study, model parameters are tuned and validated by means of field measurements, recorded during a response trail run of a real wind farm of 30 MW installed power operating within the Spanish power system.
Spanish layman's summary:
Este articulo contiene un modelo de parque eólico sencillo que sin embargo representa todas las dinámicas relevantes (limitaciones de rampa, bandas muertas, retrasos en las comunicaciones y restricciones de disponibilidad de recurso) requeridas en estudios de AGC. El modelo está validado con datos de un parque eólico español real de 30 MW.
English layman's summary:
This paper presents a simple wind farm model, however representing all relevant dynamics (ramp limitations, dead bands, communication delays and availability constraints) required for AGC simulation studies. The model is validated with data of a real 30 MW Spanish wind farm.
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 2,600 - Q3 (2022); 2,600 - Q2 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: January 2022.
Published on-line: September 2021.
K. Doenges, L. Sigrist, I. Egido, E. Lobato, L. Rouco, Wind farms in AGC: modelling, simulation and validation. IET Renewable Power Generation. Vol. 16, nº. 1, pp. 139 - 147, January 2022. [Online: September 2021]